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Showing posts from October, 2015
feathered red wine drinkers

autumn is sommeone's favourite season

they say no day is complete without an existential crisis

so what's a gal to do when she's watched too much Rick and Morty and begins subconsciously applying that style to her weekly drawing assignments? are her dreams of originality dead? should they be? as an animator am i to fall into the corporate abyss of churning out cartoons that all look the same? one side of me says yes, do it amy. if you want any hope of getting a job as an animator one day then goddammit, conform.  but then hooold up there sonny jim laddy boy, style is a thing that's constantly changing based on influence and interest, so.. surely it's totally fine that i'm having a generic cartooning phase.. expanding my knowledge of animations and general artistic creations can only aid the process of singling out a style i fit comfortably into, right?  oh god. i'm going to put the kettle on. 

one two tree

a look at trees, identifying their cylinder-like branch structures and applying them dynamically to create a sense of dimension and form. i've always struggled to draw things that look real.. trees included. i suppose i've fallen into the trap of characterising trees in the past to match the characters i use in animations and drawings as they tend to be pretty cartoony. this exercise hasn't cured that, but it definitely made me more aware of the spangly, rotund nature of big broccoli.

drawing characters from life super fast

<---seemingly cool guy with gun in hand mummified person catching blood pouring from head to cup---->

doodles drawn to music